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Almo Nature allocates 100% of its profits, net of costs and taxes, to supporting biodiversity.

Are you wondering how this is possible? Starting in 2018, Almo Nature began allocating all its net profits to the Fondazione Capellino, a non-profit commercial body that aims to safeguard the biosphere.
This economic model is called Reintegration Economy and is committed to giving back to nature what production activity takes from it.


Every time you buy Almo Nature for your dog or cat you too become part of the Reintegration Economy.

Almo Nature is dedicated to offering the best quality cat and dog products on the market.
Our customers purchase Almo Nature products to take care of their animal companions
100% of the revenues, after costs and taxes, from the sales of Almo Nature products are allocated for the Fondazione Capellino
The Fondazione Capellino carries out numerous projects to safeguard biodiversity directly or through other organisations  
Together we enact a virtuous change to restore biodiversity

Choose Almo Nature to support the Reintegration Economy


100% of the sales of Almo Nature products for cats and dogs go to the Reintegration Economy.

Discover our selection of the month


HFC for cats in 55g portions


Packaged in practical 55g single-portion sachets, HFC recipes are prepared with ingredients originally suitable for human consumption, now food for your cat and without the addition of flavouring additives to favour natural palatability.
Many different recipes and consistencies, to satisfy the palate of all cats:

5044 piatto + product Almo

  • Natural: steamed and packaged with their own broth.
  • Jelly: with added vegetable gelatin to provide hydration to help your cat remove hairballs.
  • Natural Plus: up to 98.5% of HFC meat or fish packaged raw and then cooked inside the pouch to keep taste and nutrients intact.


Find it now in online stores

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